My Chapter Room, a platform for sorority collegians, advisors and alumnae to communicate and network, needed website design and development support for their growing business. They enlisted the help of AIMG.
My Chapter Room had an existing website that needed ongoing development support as well as design updates and some functional features to drive lead conversion. The first thing AIMG did was sit down to understand the target audience for this project.
After learning that My Chapter Room’s ideal clients were pressed for time, needed content that was easily and quickly digestible, as well as a design that reflected the academic benefits of joining the platform, AIMG knew what to do.
AIMG created collected testimonials from current members of the platform to highlight on the site. It was, after all, a communication platform, and to reflect that the customer testimonials were placed in a prominent position on the home page. There were various different target audiences for this platform, so the website content had to find a common ground between all of these disparate groups. The content ended up reflecting what they all had in common: a desire for collective women’s empowerment and collaboration.
This tone of the content was then expanded to several different landing pages across the site in an effort to appeal to the different audiences and drive engagement with the platform. In the end, this was a highly successful initiative and My Chapter Room achieved the digital tool they were looking for all along: a clean, crisp website that was functional, optimized for search engines and appealing to their target audiences.
You can visit the My Chapter Room website here:
AIMG is a full service integrated web design and marketing firm, helping companies reach their business goals through strategic planning and quantifiable marketing initiatives.