11 Tips for Building a B2B Audience on Twitter

When it comes to building a B2B audience on social media, LinkedIn gets more headlines than Twitter.

Still, with the right techniques, you can capture a qualified B2B audience on Twitter, too!

It’s always good to incorporate multiple platforms into your strategy, as no single social network will reach everyone. With that in mind, let’s look at how to get the most from Twitter.

How to Build Qualified B2B Audience on Twitter

1 Tweet Chats

One-on-one conversations with other users put the “social” in social media. When you take time to engage with another person, they know you have a deeper interest in them than just the sale.

2 Hashtags

Monitor trending topics and use relevant hashtags to make industry-related content discoverable. Just be sure you fully understand the meaning of a hashtag and where it started before you use it!

3 Consistency

Consistency is key to any social media, but it’s especially important on Twitter – where, at least in theory, all your tweets can appear to every follower. Post several times daily to raise visibility.

4 Timing

If your following is focused in a specific geographic area, it’s much easier to time your posts so they are likely to be seen. Experiment with late afternoon and early evening posting schedules.


b2b audience twitter

Location-Based Advertising

Twitter’s location-based advertising options will help you further narrow the field of would-be followers and customers. Use best practices to personalize your messaging and offers here.

6 Influencer Marketing

No matter your area of expertise, there’s surely already some established social influencers in your space. Simply sending them some great content could be enough to raise your exposure.

7 Thought Leadership

B2B executives use thought leadership content to inform strategic initiatives – especially buying decisions. Make sure you’re sharing plenty of truly informative and helpful content!

8 Sharing

Speaking of sharing, don’t be shy about forwarding others’ users content to your following. B2B users appreciate this, and it could be the start of a conversation about how you could help.

9 Video

Short-form video content is dominant in the B2B world. Whether pre-recorded or streaming, there is nothing else like it for engagement. Aim to share new videos at least twice a week.

10 Infographics

Infographics are intriguing to decision-makers of all kinds. They’re insightful and fun, giving a new perspective on what might be familiar data. They’re also the most-shared content, so use them.

11 Retweet With Comment

Don’t just retweet: Use the “Retweet with comment” button to start a conversation. It’s more interesting to your existing followers and much more likely to be noticed by the other person.

Used correctly, Twitter has massive B2B audience potential – and much of that is still untapped.

Be present, responsive, and authentic and you might be surprised!