When it comes to content marketing, you can never have too much – but making sure you only deliver quality content is key. Useful, informative B2B content is more likely to foster long-lasting connections with prospects.
The best content B2B grabs viewers and compels them to read, click, and share – that’s engagement.
Let’s look at seven methods for improving engagement with useful B2B content marketing:
1 Leverage External Influencers
Every prospect has a set of experts they know, trust, and look to for information. When you tap these influencers to submit content for your brand, you are basking in that trust while extending the topics your company can speak effectively on.
2 Use and Optimize Videos
Videos are popular among B2B buyers because they can be consumed easily on the go using mobile devices. Short-form videos, less than three minutes in length, attract comments and shares – even moreso when they are optimized to take advantage of each social platform’s special features.
3 Develop Unique Research
B2B buyers gravitate to content that truly has something to say. Whether you call it “thought leadership” or anything else, this content is built around new, relevant data that can help buyers make strategic decisions. The more of it you have, the more trustworthy your brand appears.
4 Bulk Up Your Bottom of Funnel Content
When buyers are thinking seriously about your products or services, they don’t just want to know what you can do – but how it will fit into their business context. Case studies are among the most powerful ways to demonstrate that others “just like them” have benefited in the past.
Lean Into the Visual Shift
Visual content is becoming more popular among B2B decision-makers. When you design a new infographic, for example, you have the opportunity to help prospects look at the same old data in a fresh and exciting way. All written content should have visuals of some kind.
6 Inform and Educate
Most of your prospects will be interested in answering a question or solving a problem. When you structure your content in convenient ways – for example, how-to guides and FAQs – you help them get the information they need faster.
7 Amplify with Social Media
Any one visitor to your website will see only a fraction of all the content you have. You should share new content, of course, but also fearlessly surface quality older content. Building conversations around your content makes people more likely to remember it and share it.
Content marketing fundamentals remain the same: You research your prospects, find target keywords, develop written content, and enrich that content with visuals and data to help it stand out. With these seven methods, however, you can differentiate, grow mindshare, and win engagement.