11 Tips to Quickly Grow Your Content Marketing Initiative

contentmarketinginitiativeContent is one of the most powerful marketing tools in the digital age. Still, so many tactics can work in content marketing that it might be hard to narrow them down to what’s most effective. Start with these approaches and you can grow your content marketing initiative in a valuable way.

Jumpstart Your Content Marketing Initiative with These Tips

Know Your Audience

Content marketing initiative success is based on understanding your audience and their pain points. Find out what their most important questions and concerns are, then use your content platforms to answer them.

Research the Competition

Originality counts, but you don’t always have to reinvent the wheel. Explore successful content initiatives by your competitors to discover what works – and avoid projects that won’t pan out.

Reuse Your Content

Although blog posts are the backbone of any content strategy, this is only the start. Blogs can be re-purposed into videos, podcasts, infographics, whitepapers and more to expand their traction.

Analyze Your Data

To create better content, you need to understand what works and what doesn’t. This comes from having data analytics deployed on all Web properties, thus learning how users interact with your content.

content marketing initiativeOptimize All Content

All content should be developed with SEO basics in mind. It doesn’t take long to make sure each piece of content is aligned with keyword strategy and uses appropriate tags and meta data.

Automate Marketing

A strong content strategy has a lot of moving parts. Luckily, many of them can be monitored and even executed with modern software. As your initiative grows, keep automation firmly in mind.

Work Cross-Functionally

Content strategy is often looked at as the exclusive province of marketing. That said, sales teams, product developers, and others can provide useful information to make content more effective.

Amplify with Social Media

Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn offer opportunities to share content worldwide in a single click. Don’t be afraid to re-share popular older content, either. Odds are good many followers haven’t seen it!

Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is a terrific way to keep your company “top of mind” during long B2B sales cycles. Make sure it’s integrated into a cohesive, multi-platform Web content strategy.

Craft Targeted CTAs

Each piece of content should serve a purpose in moving the buyer journey forward. A custom CTA matched with the buyer persona is crucial for getting prospects to take the next step.

Optimize Consistently

Using your analytics data, strive to determine which content gets the most views and engagement. This way, you can focus on types of content that resonate most with your ideal customers.

In today’s Web-driven world, your content marketing initiative is essential to deep, long-lasting relationships with your prospective and current customers. With these methods, you’ll attract more interest online and build greater trust.