The holiday season can be a tough time for marketers to generate leads. B2B decision-makers wrap up the year with a close eye on budgets and often go into strategic “hibernation” until Q1. Your existing contacts can also go dark – after all, they are spending time away from the office.
Here’s how to keep leads engaged:
Develop a strong inbound marketing strategy
Now’s the time to reflect on your current strategy and make sure it’s working. If your website isn’t attracting leads, you may need better SEO, more content, or a clearer picture of the buyer journey.
Stay active on social media
Leads may not be checking their email as much, but they are active on social media and other platforms they trust. Keep updating, responding to comments, and starting new conversations.
Send gifts to prospects
A simple gift to a prospect is a great way to ensure they know you’re thinking about them. If you’re concerned about the ethics of a gift, a hand-written card can be just as effective.
Send thank yous
Now is the time to acknowledge everyone who helped you get where you are throughout the year. “Thank you” messages, letters, or emails should go to established customers as well as leads.
Ask what they’d like to see from you for the new year
People love to feel like their voice is being heard. They are much more likely to respond to customer feedback initiatives, whether formal or informal, around the end of the year.
Grow your database of contacts
Even when conventional lead generation is slowing down, you can still reach out effectively. Consider spending more time on LinkedIn and interacting in Groups to expand your list.
Get involved with a charity
When competitors are similar in features and price, values often break the deadlock. Getting involved in your community builds goodwill, helps others, and may open the door to local partnerships.
Offer a holiday discount
Holiday discounts aren’t just for B2C. They can make a difference in B2B, too, creating a sense of urgency during a season that is not otherwise known for decisive business moves.
Strong digital marketing creates advantages across all seasons. With AIMG’s business development consulting, you don’t have to slow down, even when your leads do. To learn more, contact us today.