How to Use Press Releases to Promote Your Content Marketing

Press releaseThere are so many ways to share your brand message that some tried-and-true approaches might seem quaint or old-fashioned. The truth is, though, that by taking a fresh look at long-standing techniques, you can outmaneuver competitors by being where they aren’t. One terrific example is press releases!

Good press releases connect you with reputable journalists and influencers! Here’s how to make the most of yours:

Decide on a Goal

A press release can be more versatile than the average blog or other content. For example, it could get more traffic to your website, land you an interview, or have a direct impact on sales. It can even form the basis of a long-term community outreach strategy. Before you start, pick a measurable goal where the impact of your press release can be felt.

Choose the Right Approach

tablet-computer-on-a-desk-press-release-485205104_2134x1410Press releases come in a standard format that includes details like the city the piece originates from and the date. Within this format, however, you have plenty of flexibility. A full content press release is essentially a complete blog post with backlinks and contact information. A short promo, on the other hand, uses quotes and excerpts to entice readers to your site.

A Quick Primer on Standard Press Release Format

A press release simply isn’t a press release unless it conforms to certain guidelines. Making sure you follow the established format will make it much more likely wire services and content aggregators will spread your message. It might even help you get interviewed on the news.

The key elements of any press release are:

  • A Compelling Headline – A good headline draws readers into your piece;
  • A Concise Lead – The first paragraph should summarize the key points;
  • Who, What, Where, When, Why – Answer these in the second paragraph;
  • Contact Information – This should include address, email, Web links, and phone.

Many digital marketers use a “wire service” when they’re just getting started with press releases. These companies distribute press releases on various websites to help them gain momentum. For marketers working with familiar, established brands, social media can be very effective – just sending a brief message and Web link to a local journalist can get the ball rolling.

Press releases may not be as popular as they once were, but that means there’s more room for new and smaller enterprises to leverage them. Combined with other approaches, they can help you share your message in fresh, exciting ways.