Account-based marketing is an alternative approach to B2B lead generation that’s attracting a following across many industries.
Rather than appealing to broad categories of prospects, account-based marketing uses precise campaigns tailored to the needs of carefully-defined target accounts. In some cases, that may mean just 3-5 “named accounts” within one industry.
Because these campaigns are laser-focused, they require the marketer to deeply consider target needs and desired outcomes. Though only a handful of account-based marketing projects usually run concurrently, they can have an outsized bottom line impact.
If Your Business Needs High-Value Customers, Account-Based Marketing May Be for You
ABM can be used by businesses of any size category. Though an ABM approach is often more costly than conventional techniques, marketing automation helps curb the associated overhead.
ABM is particularly powerful because it drives collaboration between sales and marketing. That unlocks synergies many enterprises have yet to take full advantage of – and means other types of marketing efforts are likely to perform better, not only ABM.
Thanks to its clear metrics and intentionally narrow scope, ABM can be easier to optimize and track once the first set of personalized content is complete. This leads to greater efficiency in how resources are used and makes the lessons learned clearer, too.
ABM: It All Starts with List Segmentation
Like other digital initiatives, account-based marketing starts with a deep understanding of your intended audience. Whereas most teams begin with a relatively broad buyer persona, ABM launches with granular list segmentation at the forefront.
Industry, location, company size or revenue, job title, and projected value of the account to your organization are just a few parameters that can effectively segment an ABM B2B list. Balancing value, industry, and job function is typically enough to optimize a campaign.
With analytics in place, ABM can incorporate customized content aligned with the traditional buyer journey as well. For example, specialized content can deploy based on whether users matching your target accounts have accessed a webinar or case study.
Strong Content Drives Account-Based Marketing
ABM calls on the marketer to take content personalization to the next level, ensuring every aspect is consonant with target accounts. Dynamic content is especially potent here and should be used for touch points including emails, ad copy, and the website experience.
Because content across multiple channels needs to be uniquely compelling, it’s vital to leverage enabling technology. Sophisticated Customer Relationship Management and content management platforms help simplify the complex, but expertise and capacity for research remain indispensable.
ABM won’t replace broad-based inbound marketing for all digital-focused firms, but it provides a fresh perspective and methodology for those with the most definite goals. The biggest ABM wins can truly transform a company’s strategic prospects!