Homeschooling during COVID-19: Why all kids might not need 8 hours of instruction a day at home.
Research suggests a rubric for figuring out how long children can stay focused.
The COVID-19 Crisis is giving parents a taste of digital ‘unschooling’.
With 55 million children now learning at home, digital homeschooling is providing an alternative form of education.
Tips for Remote Teaching
Learner experience designer Alex Britez shares tips for teaching remotely.
A crash course on homeschooling for parents affected by the COVID-19 school closings.
While school districts organize distant learning plans, here are some helpful tips for parents new to homeschooling.
How parents can homeschool their kids during the COVID-19 pandemic
Millions of parents and guardians are now faced with the task of educating them at home.
Who gets to learn in Berkeley and how?
Every morning in Berkeley, a video conference call platform designed for white-collar workers is taken over by a group of antsy 6-year-olds.
How ‘regular school’ parents can homeschool their kids?
Adjusting to becoming your child’s teacher abruptly and without training.
Homeschooling Insight: ‘You don’t have to strive for perfection’ when homeschooling your kids.
Insight into homeschooling your children while schools are closed.
A mom’s hilarious prayer for heavenly help in homeschooling amid COVID-19 is every parent right now
We all need to laugh, this mom has the right idea.
Teaching advice for parents during COVID-19
Advice for teaching outside your classroom.
COVID-19 School continuity resources
General advice for distance learning.
From Chalkboards to Zoom Rooms: Teaching during COVID-19
Making the transition from in-person to remote teaching, a Yale professor’s journey.