Directory of Major Malls
Shopping Center & Mall Location Directory
Service Highlighted:Consultative + Support Services
Directory of Major Malls Revamps Online Lead Generation Strategy for Business Growth
Amplify supports higher lead generation rates with consulting and support services for marketing an internal application.
The Directory of Major Malls | ShoppingCenters.com (DMM) had revitalized their product for the digital age a few years ago, and, in a similar way, were looking to revitalize their digital strategy for lead generation. Their existing ability to generate leads was heavily dependent upon their reputation as the leading source of shopping center data. They wanted their digital presence to be the major driver of leads and business growth to become more deeply entrenched in particular markets. As part of a larger integrated marketing initiative, we provided consulting and support services to help them achieve their business goals.
Our client’s application is a powerful tool for those in the retail industry – there are very specific benefits for a company, depending on which of the many business models surrounding retail they fit into. This was the heart of the problem: determining how to focus on these different potential users, appealing to them based directly on the power of the tool itself, while providing a more coherent, linear marketing experience from initial contact to the point of sale.
As with any integrated marketing initiative, we sat down with our client’s executive and leadership teams to develop buyer personas. These buyer personas are mock characterizations of ideal buyers, representing things such as their definitions for success in their role, their job duties and goals, and their motivations for purchasing our client’s data, among many other things.
The development of buyer personas, based on historical data and internal surveys, uncovered several distinct groups of buyers, all with highly unique business needs and reasons for leveraging shopping center data. This, in turn, informed the creation of digital assets, from top to bottom of the marketing funnel, with a focus on optimizing conversion rates in specific verticals. Things such as the perception of pricing models, conversion paths and site usability improvements were also shaped by the knowledge of these distinct groups.
Essentially, a deeper understanding of potential users, and how our client’s tool addresses their specific needs, revealed a number of actionable insights to improve lead generation when focusing on these different buyer groups.
In the end, several distinct buyer paths through the whole marketing and sales funnel had been built. Given the wealth of data our client offers, and the myriad of things it can be used for, specific buyer paths narrowed the marketing experience. Different buyer groups could more easily understand how our client’s data benefits them and were more motivated to take the next steps at each phase of the path to purchase.
The result was higher lead generation rates for online access to ShoppingCenters.com. The individualized marketing experience showed potential users there was precedent for companies like them to grow their business with this data, that our client understood their specific needs and could cater to them, and that opportunity lie ahead if they use this data to inform business decisions.
We continue to work together with DMM on an integrated marketing campaign to improve lead generation and grow their business online.