Directory of Major Malls (DMM) is the leading online provider of major mall and shopping center data in North America. As an existing client, DMM and Amplify worked together to wrap up an ongoing web development project to bolster DMM’s digital presence in pursuit of higher lead generation.
“Before Directory of Major Malls became our client, their online lead generation was inconsistent,” said Joe DeMicco, Founder and CEO of Amplify. “As a leader in their field, their digital presence was lacking, but they were open to taking a long-term approach to redevelop their website and brand to minimize the initial marketing investment. Over time, we’ve systematically redeveloped sections of their website, based on what the data was suggesting was most important, eventually completing a complete website redesign.”
After meeting with key stakeholders, the redevelopment of DMM’s website utilized a Growth-Driven Design (GDD) approach to avoid the cost of a full redesign and ensure optimizations are occurring on an ongoing basis. Incremental design steps were taken, based on deep analytics and insight into website performance, to gradually optimize DMM’s site. Over time, the entire site has been redeveloped and optimizations based on conversions have been made at every step of the way.
“Directory of Major Malls now has a site that converts at a high level and reflects the way they want their brand to be seen,” DeMicco said. “The continuous optimization of the site has led to a steadily increasing rate of lead generation and customer acquisition. The Growth-Driven Design approach has been a major success for Directory of Major Malls.”
DMM’s website serves as the foundation of all digital marketing initiatives and continues to produce new leads and new customers on a consistent basis.
You can view the DMM site here:
Amplify is an industrial marketing firm providing B2B marketing and guidance with quantifiable results. For nearly 25 years, Amplify has helped industrial companies find their ROI, upfront, and realize their sales goals.