Directory of Major Malls

Shopping Center & Mall Location Directory

Service Highlighted:
Marketing Automation + Email

Directory of Major Malls Email Marketing Leads the Way for End of Year Sales

Amplify implemented a sophisticated email campaign to acquire new business at a strategic time of the year

The Directory of Major Malls | (DMM) is the largest online source of major mall and shopping center data. Their comprehensive database is updated hundreds of thousands of times per year, providing the most up-to-date, accurate information to their customers. Recently, they wanted to launch an end of year push to generate free trial requests. This was a strategic time for them, as most businesses would be budgeting and strategizing for the year ahead. Seeing first-hand how our client’s data could help them strategize, we theorized, would promote more subscription purchases in early 2018.


Part of the challenge was the fact that our client served the entire retail industry – the same data meant different things to different customers. In a limited amount of space, we had to capture the attention of email recipients, explain the specific value of this shopping center data while balancing the messaging between multiple types of businesses, and account for contacts that were in varying stages of the lead nurturing process. The end of year push had to be widely appealing to a broad audience. This email marketing campaign needed to succeed and promote free trials at a strategic time.


After we had met to determine the scope and objectives for this end of year push, a dynamic email workflow was created. This was essentially the plan of attack, outlining the general messaging of the emails, the order they would automatically be sent, and most importantly, mapping the potential paths a contact could take to become a customer. The workflow was strategically designed to facilitate the lead nurturing process to convert warm leads.

Email copy and design were developed based on the goals of the project and the messaging outlined in the workflow. All copy and design for emails were created to promote click-throughs, informed by historical data for optimizing click-through rates (CTRs). A conversion-centric landing page was created that aligned with the messaging and design of the emails, further explained the offer and benefits, and provided an easy way for visitors to become customers.

The entire workflow and campaign was set up in a marketing automation platform to automate the nurturing process. Marketing automation also allowed for detailed tracking of potential customers’ interactions with our client once they had begun the lead nurturing cycle. Further, marketing automation paved the way for the personalization touches that increase conversions, even on large-scale, widely targeted campaigns such as this one.

While much effort went into the planning and development of this email marketing campaign, the marketing automation platform was the backbone of successful execution.


Our client received a high-performing email marketing campaign that led the way for their end of year push and successfully promoted free trial subscriptions at a strategic time of the year. The email campaign was set up to be ongoing, without being intrusive, so that free trial subscriptions continue to be created without any additional effort.

The workflow was simple yet effective, gently pushing contacts towards conversion, and even aligning end-on-end with another workflow to convince free trial subscribers to purchase the full product. Email copy and design allowed for a high CTR and the landing page reliably converted visitors.

In the end, the campaign was a success. We continue to work with DMM on an integrated marketing initiative to grow their business online.

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Services Provided

  • Strategy + Buyer Persona Development
  • Content Marketing Strategy
  • Email Marketing Automation
  • Digital / Inbound Marketing
  • Business Development Consulting
  • Support, Maintenance + Consulting