Video marketing is incredibly popular, especially on social media. With today’s fast connections and high data caps, Facebook users are enjoying more video content than ever before.
Video provides the highest engagement rates of all content on Facebook. To make the most of it, though, you need a consistent set of go-to video marketing tactics that capture user attention.
These five video marketing strategies will get you on the right track:
1.Plan Videos Using Sentiment Analysis
Social media audiences are notoriously fickle, but there’s a way around it: Sentiment analysis. When searching for a particular topic, a sentiment analysis tool produces a “cloud” of well-liked options. You can use these to maximize goodwill and organic visibility. Don’t start a video campaign without it!
2.Leverage Social Media Influencers
Social media influencers face a big challenge: They need to constantly curate excellent content for their followers. Don’t hesitate to build a list of social influencers in your space so you can send them content they’ll love. It’s a true win-win situation for you, them, and the audience.
3.Use Direct Facebook Uploads
YouTube is incredibly convenient for producing and distributing videos, but if you want to win on Facebook, you’ve got to go native. Videos that have been uploaded directly to Facebook get 8X more comments from social users compared to those shared from YouTube.
4.Stream Content on Facebook Live
People spend much more time on Facebook Live videos than on any other on the network. They’re also much more likely to comment. Maybe they’re enticed by the fact that anything could happen or maybe the increased sense of authenticity does the trick. Be sure to go live regularly!
5.Add Captions to Your Facebook Videos
Most users loathe videos that auto-play sound, so Facebook makes videos silent by default. While convenient, it means most videos will be viewed in part without a soundtrack. You have only a few seconds to spark interest, so use captions. If users like what they read, they’ll unmute you.
Your videos don’t have to be the fanciest to get through to your audience. Focus on showcasing your brand values and giving them something they can use every time they tune in to you.
Want to go even further with social media marketing success? Expand your reach and grow your audience with video marketing strategies by remembering these 7 Steps to Make a Great Live Stream on Social Media.