AIMG | Accurate Imaging Enhances with DIY Flash Tool

Long time client Bendheim Corporation, leading supplier and manufacturer of the world’s finest specialty and architectural glass, recently engaged AIMG | Accurate Imaging to develop a new header graphic with Flash elements for its corporate website that effectively unites and provides access to each of its five divisions. As an added feature, AIMG developed a tool that allows the client to easily manage the Flash elements.

The structure of the new header graphic is coded with both static and dynamic elements. The administrative backend tool allows the client to easily manage the dynamic Flash elements that control the images and image text. The admin tool contains a graphical layout of the header graphic, clearly identifying both static and dynamic elements. By clicking on the area of interest, the client is able to use the tool to 1) browse the server to select an image 2) preview the current image 3) type in new header text within parameters 4) type in new body text within parameters 5) associate a hyperlink with the image and ultimately 6) Publish Flash to post live within seconds.

On the public side, the Flash controls image rotation and mouse-over elements that reveal images associated with each of Bendheim’s five distinct glass divisions. By clicking on the area of interest the site visitor is taken to the website dedicated to that particular glass division. The addition of Flash elements serves to grab the attention of visitors and encourage interactivity, motivating them to click a link to follow their interests.

AIMG | Accurate Imaging provides custom application development and website design to fulfill sales, marketing and business administration needs.