International Women’s Day is celebrated each year on March 8th.
This year, that day will dawn at a time of unprecedented change that affects women and girls of all ages and backgrounds. Harmful cultural biases and assumptions are being challenged. Now, perhaps more than ever, women face enormous challenges and opportunities.
Many of the amazing women rising to make the most of this pivotal moment are entrepreneurs.
Research has long shown that men and women tend to cultivate different leadership qualities. There are many interpretations of the data, but one area of consensus is women’s high potential as transformational leaders. Transformational leadership is the bedrock of successful institutions.
Transformational leaders are those who:
- Care about developing those who work with them;
- Listen to others and incorporate their viewpoints;
- Focus on thinking in creative, innovative ways;
- Inspire others to do their best and commit to success;
- Are ethical and encourage a more ethical viewpoint in others.
Women Entrepreneurs in Leadership Make a Difference
Transformational leadership is just one area where women make a difference for those in their teams, enterprises, and communities. Demonstrating collaborative, inclusive leadership gives everyone a chance to advance – and serves as an example for girls and young women to emulate.
Here are some other ways women can foster successful enterprises with great working culture:
Find Inspiring Role Models
From historical figures to today’s most dynamic business leaders, everyone has role models. Identifying your role models can help entrepreneurs at any stage of growth further solidify their values and live them in leadership. It’s especially important to identify women whose example matters to you. Remember, you are part of a leadership legacy!
Make Time for Networking
Women entrepreneurs may need to be creative in how they build their network, looking for different kinds of events and groups. Make networking a habit and it will pay off over time.
Choose an Inner Circle
Your inner circle is your network in action. Building rapport with others is easy, but choosing who you will collaborate with takes discretion. Deeper relationships, from joint ventures to regular mastermind groups, can help you find new ways to bring your unique value to the wider world. An inner circle provides opportunities and works as a sounding board.
International Women’s Day comes once a year, but there’s never a wrong time to support women in business. Entrepreneurship is an adventure that promotes confidence, creates a launchpad for financial independence, and can make the world a better place.
To all women on the entrepreneurship journey, we salute you.