Thomas Register of American Manufacturers is the world’s most comprehensive information resource for supply-chain sourcing and purchasing. Accurate Imaging was chosen by Thomas to rebuild ProofStat, an automated publishing and production system, to expand its functionality and effectiveness. The application serves thousand of vendors across the country, allowing them to submit and validate content for publication to a variety of online and offline media. ProofStat also allows internal Thomas Register staff to track, approve and manage over 15,000 accounts, 24 hours a day.
The application was designed and developed as an enhanced replacement for a previous tool that performed a similar, though less comprehensive set of functions. The new ProofStat brings together under one umbrella application most of the client’s externally and internally developed products, and is 100% integrated with the company contracting database. The application determines accessibility per account and product on actual, real time contractual information. This integration affords Thomas Register staff the flexibility to manage and track production to a degree never before possible.
Additional modules, including a real-time accounting interface, a multi-level reporting application, and expanded file validation are slated for design and development over the next few months. The application itself was designed to allow for rapid implementation of additional functionality. It also allows for a large degree of customization of all user-group home pages and system generated emails. The dynamic features of the application allow client management to edit as needed the information transmitted by the site without outside intervention.
ProofStat affords Thomas Register the security of a centralized location for the management of production, as well as giving outside vendors a quick, simple means of submitting content.
About Thomas Register ProofStat
ProofStat II, an automated publishing and production systems product of Thomas Register, was launched in June, 2002. It has over 830 users on a regular basis, 16,000 transactions annually and publishes over 40,000 products per annum through this system. Visit www.proofstat.comfor more information.