Implementing a phased approach to website development for Phase 1 Technology, one of the nation’s leading machine vision distributors and system integrators, AIMG continues to enhance the client’s website with search tools designed to accommodate the different ways site visitors like to search. The objective is to make the path to conversion as simple as possible for all site visitors. The first step in the conversion process is helping the user find what he came for. The newest addition to the family of search tools is text search. This function was added after Phase 1 brought to market literally thousands of new products over the course of 2008.
The text search tool customized by AIMG | Accurate Imaging works the same way a standard query box does. The user types a desired search term in the box and clicks search. But what happens next distinguishes AIMG’s custom tool from results delivered by a standard text search tool. The searcher is delivered a list of products that are relevant to the term searched; however, accompanying each product is an array of helpful information that accommodates further styles of searching. Some of the items displayed are 1) a thumbnail image that can be clicked for a larger view; 2) the product number that can be clicked to go directly to the product information page; 3) a descriptive qualifier, such as the type of camera interface as analog or digital; 4) and a selection of clickable buttons providing further resources such as downloadable product information, a link to the online RFQ, discontinued product information and further recommendation for action to take concerning a discontinued product.
More than just a list of search results, the custom text search tool developed by AIMG for Phase 1 Technology actively helps the site visitor hone in on choices until he successfully finds the exact product he needs, providing customer fulfillment and a guided path to conversion.