Hurst Boiler, a leading international manufacturer of boilers and boiler parts, and long time AIMG client, approached AIMG for an enterprise level file sharing solution that would allow them to manage and control the sharing of digital documents, images and files among internal staff and external distributors, resellers, customers and vendors.
Eliminating the need to hunt for a particular file, the file sharing application keeps digital assets from all internal departments and external sources centrally located and available online 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Persons are permitted access through a secure login that has an assigned expiry date so that access is strictly controlled. Assigned as Client or Admin, the latter user has full access to the application while the former has access only to designated files. This system ensures sensitive materials are restricted to selected persons only.
The file sharing application allows users at both the Client and Admin levels to create categories and add files according to the specific needs of the task. By creating a secure password and assigning an expiration date to it, the person who creates the category of files can provide access to a select group of individuals for a predetermined period of time. Once the password expires, a new one can be easily created by the creator or manager of the category of files.
Offering long term value both interdepartmentally as well as externally, the new file sharing application developed by AIMG for Hurst Boiler allows the client to easily add, manage, access and share files stored on the system, utilizing them for sales, projects, reports, or development.
AIMG develops custom applications for a variety of enterprise level business, sales and management processes.