AIMG CMS Website Gives More Selling Power to Material Handling Mfr

AIMG recently launched the new dynamic website application it developed for RonI, Inc., a leading US material handling equipment manufacturer of ergonomic lifting solutions.

“The former website was basically brochureware,” said AIMG President & Owner Joe DeMicco. “The clients were looking for a solution that allowed them to market their flexible product solutions effectively to all types of buyers across all industries and with a wide variety of application needs. To that end, the new website is structured to accommodate the different ways buyers understand what they need, either by application or by product, including name, type, and feature.”
Using the information they gathered from the clients and their sales force, AIMG developed an easy-to-follow layout that allows prospective customers to find and interact with the vast array of product information presented. Product pages are neatly organized by tabs that work to display only the information specified by the tab, such as Description, Image Gallery, and Video Gallery. To persuade site visitors to take action, the tabs also feature calls-to-action that provide easy access to an electronic form that respondents can submit from the site as well as a “share” tool that allows them to email the product page to their team of decision makers.
Committed to providing the clients with cost saving benefits, AIMG repurposed much of their original website content; however, since more was required for the built-out ‘View by Application’ feature, AIMG’s content development team provided the copy and images that were needed. “Saving the clients money is always one of our top priorities,” stated DeMicco. “Even though the RonI website is a custom application, it is also a content management system, which means the client can continue to add, edit, delete, and archive web pages, text, images, links and attachments without needing a web developer or programming skills. It’s easy to use and most clients get comfortable with it after only a few hours.”  
The robust CMS website also features an editable, expandable online product catalog, a Tech library, and seamless integration with their customized channel designed by AIMG. “As we worked with the clients,” reflected DeMicco, “we discovered they were under-utilizing very valuable marketing assets. With more than 100 product application videos showcasing a wide range of uses, our team suggested we customize a channel and integrate it with the website application. Now the videos are easily accessible to potential customers during their research and decision making process.”
The launch of the new website application represents the first phase of development. “There is still a lot more to do,” said DeMicco, “but the clients are thrilled and we’re excited to be working with them.”
AIMG is a full service marketing agency that partners with companies to help them market and build their business both online and offline.
About RonI, Inc.
To learn about RonI, Inc. and the company’s flexible, ergonomic material handling equipment solutions visit