Online marketing and advertising agency AIMG | Accurate Imaging recently launched the completed website design project for the Elisa Lanera Foundation (ELF), a charity established by Long Island, NY native Jaymie Lanera to provide educational opportunities to children in South Africa.
The website design was inspired by both the landscape of South Africa and the personal journey of its young founder. Consisting of a scenic landscape and a spiral bound notebook, the design is intended to represent the mission and the means of this grassroots organization. The purpose of the website is to both educate and motivate readers to participate in some way, either by volunteering, making a donation, or making some other form of contribution of the donor’s choice. The website design implements animation to creatively present the photos, which look like old-fashioned snapshots to reflect where in time this particular society is stuck, in automatic rotation, giving the appearance that they are affixed by a paper clip to the edge of the spiral bound notebook. The design of the photo gallery further supports the way in which the organization wishes to be perceived – a small foundation with a big mission.
AIMG works with non profit organizations and associations to help them create websites and off-line marketing materials that accurately reflect their profesional image and mission statement.