The Association for Advancing Automation (A3), a longtime partner of AIMG, had a bold new business plan: they were going to expand into Mexico. To do this, they needed a marketing push from AIMG.
The first thing A3 required for this expansion was a new Spanish language website to promote their availability in Mexico. AIMG immediately hopped on this task.
AIMG began by working closely with A3 on building out different buyer personas in the Mexican market. This was done first in order to determine who to target, where and when to target them, and most importantly, how to target them.
Once this was in order, AIMG began building a new website, which was actually a culmination of a few different sites in the U.S. The design and content were written with the specific buyer personas in mind, and a unique brand was developed to differentiate A3 from A3 de Mexico.
AIMG also facilitated the crucial process of translation – developing workflows and overseeing the translation itself.
The result was a crisp, clean looking site that excitedly announced the expansion of A3 into Mexico, and succinctly explained how the different buyer personas would benefit from joining.
A3’s goal in Mexico was to begin to promote and advance the growth of automation technology. After their website launched, they were able to effectively make headway in becoming an established authority in robotics and automation in Mexico.
You can view A3 de Mexico’s site here:
AIMG is a full service integrated web design and marketing firm, helping clients achieve business goals through strategic planning and quantifiable marketing initiatives.