Marketing firm AIMG ¦ Accurate Imaging completed the integration of an ecommerce application for, a new website it designed and launched for rising chef and owner, Ayala Donchin. The ecommerce application represents the next phase in a marketing strategy developed by AIMG to promote the direct sales of Ms. Donchin’s specialty gift and food items that can be sold online and shipped to customers nationwide.
“The quality of Ms.Donchin’s gourmet specialties are a testament to the rate at which we are able to move forward with each phase of the overall marketing strategy we have developed,” said Joe DeMicco, Founder & President of AIMG. “Although it has only been a few weeks since the launch of the newly designed site,” said DeMicco, “we were able to move ahead with the ecommerce portion, which had to be carefully balanced with managing logistics on the business side. The Café, catering, and storefront operations are one aspect of the business. Marketing for direct sales over the internet is really an additional business concern that has to be independently structured and managed. Working closely with Ms. Donchin and her remarkable team, we were able to meet objectives that allowed us to move forward rather quickly.”
The custom branding and seamless integration of the third-party ecommerce application provides the client with both an online storefront as well as a business management tool on the backend that functions to receive, process, and track orders and payment.
“Custom ecommerce websites can be costly to build,” said DeMicco. “After careful consideration of a client’s unique needs, it may be determined that a third-party ecommerce solution makes more sense than a custom application. Either way, we provide the client with a branded solution that does what it needs to do to on the public side and on the backend administrative side.”
AIMG develops and builds custom website solutions, including content management systems, ecommerce websites, and a whole host of integrated web solutions to fulfill a wide variety of marketing, lead tracking and administrative needs. .
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