Halloween is everyone’s favorite spooky holiday! The kids might be excited to go trick-or-treating, but that doesn’t mean adults can’t get in on the fun, too. In fact, Halloween is a great excuse for almost any kind of business to have a little fun with marketing.
You might wonder what you can do for Halloween if you don’t have a traditional storefront – it’s all about dressing up, right? Wrong! With the right strategy, savvy e-commerce businesses can get into the spooky spirit. That helps you cut through clutter and nab users’ attention.
Consider these Halloween marketing ideas:
1 Say “Boo” on Social Media
Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks give you plenty of room to personalize, so use it! Switching up your color scheme and background image is a quick way to add suitable flair to your accounts. A splash of orange and black on your next newsletter can’t go wrong.
2 Have a Halloween Competition
Maybe you can’t throw a party, but you can still reward your customers for their costume skills. A competition for the best Jack-o’-lantern or costume can get responses every year. Use your email list, social media, and a catchy hashtag to make sure you get great entries.

3 Leverage Your Visual Content
There’s plenty to look at on Halloween, including haunted houses, decorations, colorful candy, and all kinds of monsters. Use these great sights to your advantage: A recent study has shown about 87% of engagement among brands’ top-performing social media goes to posts with photos.
4 Get (a Little) Shocking & Scary
Psychologists have long known about the “negativity bias,” the tendency for the brain to focus the most attention on negative stimuli. Most of the time, marketing shouldn’t focus on the negative – but in October, a scary story about prospects’ pain points can go a long way.
5 Launch Timely Videos
Whether it’s a “true” horror story or a quick peek into your office to show off your Halloween swag, the scary season is a perfect time for video content. Why? Timely holiday videos are more likely to be shared and go viral than even some of the best video content the rest of the year.
6 Tie Your Product to the Holiday
A few years back, clothing retailer Lands’ End made a big splash on Halloween with multi-channel efforts including a special newsletter feature – how to use their products in popular Halloween costumes. This was simple, convenient, and enticing for their customers.
Naturally, the most effective Halloween marketing campaigns will tie into your customers’ needs: Established families with kids will celebrate differently from college students, for example. With a fun, yet deft approach, Halloween marketing can scare up a good time for your brand.