HTTPS Web Protocol: Just for Security?

While security is important, there are other benefits to switching to HTTPS too. Many of these are driven by Google’s desire for widespread implementation of data encryption, but, you stand to benefit nonetheless.

Optimizing Blog Images

Virtually every element of a website has something to contribute to search engine optimization, the process of enhancing your site to make it more visible in the most popular search engines. One area that people often miss, however, is image optimization.

What is Link Building?

Of all the topics related to search engine optimization (SEO), link building remains one of the most mysterious. One reason is that link building, its importance, and the best way to do it have evolved over time.

Manufacturing SEO – What Are You Ranking For?

Modern manufacturing SEO is a crucial part of online competitiveness. Coupled with good Web content, SEO not only increases your visibility in search engine rankings, but raises prospects’ awareness of the value you offer.

How Google Became the Most Popular Search Engine

Google is the world’s largest search engine, processing more than 1.2 trillion searches annually. Yet, even this technology titan came from relatively humble beginnings. It all begins with the company’s founders, Larry Page and Sergei Brin, who met while studying computer science at Stanford University. Their research interest, of course, was Web search.

How Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing Work Together

Social media marketing and search engine marketing are powerful ways to reach your target market. Although many businesses lean toward one approach or the other, they are most effective when used together. Before you can use them synergistically, however, you have to understand what each is capable of. Let’s take a quick look.

Google Penalties: How They Can Affect Your Search Rankings

What are Google penalties and what do they mean for your business? A Google penalty can be a serious problem – but what makes it worse is all the misinformation about it you can find on the Web. If your site is penalized, you need real answers to get to the root of the problem so your search engine rankings can recover over time.

Why Manufacturing Companies Should Invest in SEO

When you think SEO, you probably don’t think about manufacturing. But SEO – search engine optimization – isn’t just for marketers or digital firms. SEO is about being in the right place at the right time to show prospects you have the answers to their problems. It’s precisely because SEO is rare in manufacturing that opportunity is so great.