
Video Marketing Mistakes

Video marketing is an important trend to capitalize on, but not all video marketing efforts are created equal. Just like other campaigns, video marketing can flop – and due to the cost and effort involved, it can be a severe blow. As video marketing revs up for 2016 and beyond, it’s crucial to get behind best practices in producing and using video content.

What is LinkedIn Pulse?

LinkedIn has always been a great place to connect with colleagues and build your professional brand. Up until recently, however, there wasn’t much to recommend it as a publishing platform. Before 2015, most publishing functions were limited to a select group of “influencers.” All that has changed with the advent of LinkedIn Pulse. Pulse provides you with full-featured publishing with access to LinkedIn’s fast-growing base of around

Google Penalties: How They Can Affect Your Search Rankings

What are Google penalties and what do they mean for your business? A Google penalty can be a serious problem – but what makes it worse is all the misinformation about it you can find on the Web. If your site is penalized, you need real answers to get to the root of the problem so your search engine rankings can recover over time.

Building Your Brand With Facebook

An active Facebook page gives prospects and devoted supporters a place to get news, information, and bargains. Coupled with a strategic vision for content marketing and community management, it provides unparalleled opportunities to meet new clients while cross-selling and upselling existing ones. As with so much of digital marketing, consistent effort is the key to success.

How RankBrain Effects Google Search Results

RankBrain reaffirms Google’s commitment to engaging content that serves the needs of buyers. While it’s impossible to predict exactly what the full impact of RankBrain will be, there are three core principles that B2B firms can rely on in this time of change.

Basic SEO Ranking Factors

SEO is an ongoing project that requires Web designers to continuously refine processes in response to new information. Top-shelf SEO techniques of three years ago might lead to ranking penalties today, and the techniques of tomorrow may be very different from what works now.

Mobile & Responsive Website Design Should Be on Your Radar

While engaging, brand specific content that positions your company as an authority with those who matter most — your customers — should always be at the core of your inbound marketing plan, there’s no law against shaping its delivery to fit the times. Allow us to explain.

Beyond Content Creation: Why Content Curation Has Gone Mainstream

People have probably been talking about “information overload” since the invention of the printing press, but the day of reckoning has finally arrived. The Internet makes it easy for anyone to create and broadcast written, visual and multimedia content in the service of their career, brand or politics. Unfortunately, the sheer volume of information makes […]

How (and When) to Create Compelling Content

The ever-increasing ease with which prospects can access content has been a boon for thought leaders who aim to harness it for their own ends. According to a recent Hubspot report, 90 percent of marketing firms use some form of content marketing. Whether you create the bulk of the material yourself, use an in-house team […]