
What is Integrated Marketing?

As brands incorporate innovative digital elements into their strategies, integrated marketing becomes more important. What is integrated marketing? While everyone seems to have a definition, it’s easiest to think of it this way: Integrated marketing synthesizes all digital and traditional marketing channels to ensure brand consistency across every customer interaction.

Common Blog Formatting Mistakes

A blog is an indispensable part of your company’s public image. It helps you strengthen your brand, connect with prospects, and demonstrate your unique value. A successful blog is an immense asset in both B2B and B2C industries. Still, even with a clear brand and strong product portfolio, many mistakes can sink a blog.

Why You Shouldn’t Build Your Own Website

In today’s world, a website is essential. That said, too many business owners look at the many factors of developing a Web presence and consider taking an easy way out. While building your own site can be fun – and deferring it to a neighbor kid or friend is tempting – doing either runs the risk of leading your brand into digital obscurity.

Why Manufacturers Need Updated Websites

Conventional wisdom has long said manufacturers don’t need to focus on having a good website. Until recently, many companies managed to keep pace with the market – if barely – by relying on a handful of long-term, high-value clients.

New and established brands need to prioritize digital differentiation.

How Font Effects User Experience

What’s the most important part of a website? When thinking about usability, most people think of images. Push further, and color, composition, and mobile compatibility could be mentioned. Although visual content is becoming more important daily, the majority of content on the Web is what it’s always been: Text. Typography – the style and appearance of words – is crucial to conveying your message effectively.

What Beginners Need to Know About Google Analytics

Across the Internet, more than 10 million sites use Google Analytics. The search titan’s free analytics suite is used by about 53% of all websites and has a strong trend of historical growth. The reasons are obvious: Google Analytics is fast, free, easy to use, and backed by a brand with incredible data processing power.

5 Of The Biggest Web Design Trends

How long has it been since your website really changed? Not just a simple update, but a true re-design? For many businesses, the answer is “never.” Your web design might have served you well when it was new, but odds are good it doesn’t stand up to recent trends and best practices. Resolving to make a change can help you convert more visitors into customers; a site that's clearly on trend conveys a more dynamic and active image.

Google Penalties: How They Can Affect Your Search Rankings

What are Google penalties and what do they mean for your business? A Google penalty can be a serious problem – but what makes it worse is all the misinformation about it you can find on the Web. If your site is penalized, you need real answers to get to the root of the problem so your search engine rankings can recover over time.

Thank You, Internet!

This Thanksgiving, we’re thankful for the Internet. No, not because of cat videos, celebrity gossip sites, or memes, but because of all the good the web does for society! It’s easy to forget about the impact that the Internet has made on our lives, but the truth is, the world would be a very different place without it.

Your Business Needs a Responsive Website

Is your website responsive? Responsive design is the art and science of developing a website that adapts to the needs of mobile device users – including the different form factors, display sizes, and inputs on mobile platforms. With mobile more popular than ever, it has never been more important for businesses of all sizes to take a responsive approach to their online presence.

Basic SEO Ranking Factors

SEO is an ongoing project that requires Web designers to continuously refine processes in response to new information. Top-shelf SEO techniques of three years ago might lead to ranking penalties today, and the techniques of tomorrow may be very different from what works now.